Post structuralism and interdisciplinarity

Recently, as I currently am in my pseudo-pretending intelectual phase (as one would expect from a millenial in their early 20s), I’ve been reading some content on post-structural philosophy, more specifically Deleuze and Guattari. Yes, I was driven to it by the very fact that it’s hard to grasp even a single paragraph of their writtings in an attempt to fullfill an ego I did not realize I had before - and I don’t mean a James Strachey translation of Freudian Ego as a piece for constituion of the mind, but a modern western-world-appropriated concept of ego as a reflection of our self worth - and I regret that already, because my brain hurts every day.

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A case against transpilation and ill-defined terms

I’ve been reading a lot in different places the word “transpilation”. People are using the word to define a process in which they take one common language and translate it to another one. Note, however, that the term common is absolutely vague, and that is what this article is about.

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Purity And The Real World

The idea of this small article is to bring out the idea of why do functional languages use monads to model impure functions. In this specific case, I’ll be writing about the IO case, but the general idea can be applied outside.

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Dependent types

The idea for this small article is to bring the idea of dependent type theory to the table. I will not extend the piece in the math of it, because [1] covers it way better than I could.

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Late binding

Okay, so it seems like late-binding is a big deal. Late binding was firstly introduced in 1969[4] when talking shit about Lisp.

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